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    Contents Release History. 31 January 2013: A so-called 'Eastern European Expansion' is revealed. 28-29 May 2013: Two blog posts show images from the DLC.

    5 June 2013: Images showing the in a city. 21 June 2013: Images of are shown. 1 August 2013: SCS announces the DLC's name. 12 August 2013: Playtesting of DLC starts. 27 August 2013: Blog post about GamesCom 2013 and the GamesCom loop of the DLC are shown. 30 August 2013: Release date is announced. 5 September 2013: Going East!

    DLC is completed. 17 September 2013: Blog post about add-on videos of the DLC + trailer. 19 September 2013: Blog post about SCS having a problem with the update 1.5.2. 20 September 2013: Going East! DLC is released. 2 July 2015: Blog post about Going East!

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    Hungary expansion in the update 1.19. 14 July 2015: Update 1.19 Open Beta started. 23 July 2015: Update 1.19 is released.CitiesThe Going East!

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