
  • Core Java Career Essentials Full Pdf Free
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 21. 01:52

    Job SearchJava is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding of Java.

    This reference will take you through simple and practical approaches while learning Java Programming language. AudienceThis tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Java Programming language. PrerequisitesBefore you start practicing various types of examples given in this reference, we assume that you are already aware about computer programs and computer programming languages.

    Latest Update made on November 29,2016Is Hadoop easy to learn?For most professionals who are from various backgrounds like - Java, PHP,.net, mainframes, data warehousing, DBAs, data analytics - and want to get into a career in Hadoop and Big Data, this is the first question they ask themselves and their peers. It is an obvious question - you want to invest your time and money to learn Hadoop, a new technology, but you also need to understand if it will be worth your time, if you can understand how to work on Hadoop, as easily as you work on the technologies, you are currently an expert in. Recent graduates, with no work experience on other technologies will find it very difficult to get hired as Hadoop developers. Indeed, most companies absolutely insist on hiring only experienced professionals. There are several reasons for that - the first one being - Hadoop is not an easy technology to master.

    Learning Hadoop is not an easy task but it becomes hassle-free if students know about the hurdles overpowering it. One of the most frequently asked questions by prospective Hadoopers is- “How much java is required for hadoop”? Hadoop is an open source software built on Java thus making it necessary for every Hadooper to be well-versed with at least java essentials for hadoop. Having knowledge of advanced Java concepts for hadoop is a plus but definitely not compulsory to learn hadoop. Your search for the question “How much Java is required for Hadoop?” ends here as this article explains elaborately on java essentials for Hadoop.If you would like more information about Big Data careers, please click the orange 'Request Info' button on top of this page. How much Java is required for Hadoop?is one of the most commonly adopted enterprise solution by big IT giants making it one of the top 10 IT job trends for 2015. Thus, it is mandatory for intelligent technologists to pick up Hadoop quickly with Hadoop ecosystem getting bigger day by day. The outpouring demand for big data analytics is landing many IT professionals to switch their careers to Hadoop technology.

    Core java career essentials full pdf free software

    Professionals need to consider the skills before they begin to learn.Skills to Learn Hadoop- Java Knowledge Required for Hadoop-Hadoop is written in Java, thus knowledge of Java basics is essential to learn Hadoop.to become a Microsoft Certified Big Data Engineer. Linux Knowledge Required for Hadoop-Hadoop runs on Linux, thus knowing some basic Linux commands will take you long way in pursuing successful career in Hadoop. According to Dice, Java-Hadoop combined skill is in great demand in the IT industry with increasing Hadoop jobs.Career counsellors at DeZyre frequently answer the question posed by many of the prospective students or professionals who want to switch their career to big data or Hadoop- “How much Java is required for Hadoop”?Most of the prospective students exhibit some kind of disappointment when they ask this question –they feel not knowing Java to be a limitation and they might have to miss on a great career opportunity.

    It is one of the biggest myth that- a person from any other programming background other than Java cannot.There are several organizations who are adopting Apache Hadoop as an enterprise solution with changing business requirements and demands. The demand for Hadoop professionals in the market is varying remarkably. Candidates who enrol for can activate a free java course to ramp up their java knowledge required for hadoop. Individuals who are new to Java can also get started to learn Hadoop just by understanding the Java essentials for hadoop taught as part of the free java course curriculum at DeZyre. DeZyre’s 20 hours Java Course curriculum covers all the Java essentials for hadoop, such as-Installing and Configuring Java and Eclipse -To learn Java for Hadoop, you will first need to install Eclipse and Java.Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is used for building applications in languages like Java, C, C, C#, etc.

    It is built from ground-up just to facilitate other languages. Eclipse does not have a great design for end-use functionality by itself.

    It is designed to provide a robust integration with each Operating System and has a common user interface model. The Eclipse platform is composed of plug-ins. For example, the JDT - Java Development Tools project allows Eclipse to be used as Java IDE.System Requirements for Installing Java: Now that you know, that learning Java for Hadoop will help you in gaining expertise in this new technology, let us get started from the beginning. Since Eclipse and Java can be integrated in any OS, let us understand what are the system requirements to install Java:Java for Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10; 64-bit OS, 128 MB RAM, Disk Space should be 124MB for JRE and 2MB for Java Update. Minimum requirement for processor should be Pentium 2 266MHz. You have to use these browsers - Internet Explorer 9 and above or Firefox.Java for Mac OS X: Your system should be an Intel based Mac running Mac OS X 10.8.3+ or 10.9+. You need to have administrator privilege for installation and a 64-bit browser, either Safari or Firefox.These requirements are which Java 8 supports.Arrays - Arrays are container type objects, or a data structure in Java, that holds a fixed number of elements of a single type. Or like you studied in Math - you can define Array as a collection of variables of one type.

    When creating an Array, the length of the Array is fixed. Each item or variable in the Array is called an ‘element’. Arrays is a very powerful concept used in programming. Since the goal is to analyse data, arrays provide a good base on large data can be broken and categorized with assigned values.Get Started with Arrays in Java through thisObjects and Classes - Java is an Object Oriented programming Language, where any program is designed using objects and classes. An Object is defined as a physical as well as logical entity, whereas a Class is just a logical entity.

    For example - any object that we see around us will have a state, a behaviour and an identity. A Class can be defined as a template on which describes the type of the object, the state and the behaviour of it. A group of Objects having common properties will constitute a class.Get Started with Classes and Objects in Java through thisControl Flow Statements - In Java, the statements inside any source file are executed in an ascending order, i.e from top to bottom. Control flow statements are commands that allow breaks in the execution pattern. You can actually customize and execute particular blocks of code in your source file - using control flow statements.If-then-else statement is the most basic and popular control flow statement. If you want a particular block of code to be executed only If - certain conditions are ‘true’, then the If-then-else clause will return the value ‘false’, once the condition is not met.These statements in Java are crucial for data analysis and for writing MapReduce jobs suitable for conditional big data analysis.Interfaces and Inheritance - An interface is a platform which allows different systems or programs to interact with each other. Similar to say a person interacting with a computer - where we type in commands or instruction for the computer by way of the keyboard.

    Core java career essentials pdf free download

    Here, the keyboard is an interface. Similarly, in programming, it is necessary that different groups of programmers should be able to write a code which is understandable by disparate groups without specific instructions. Programmers need to have a contract that lays out the rules of software interaction.Interfaces are such “contracts” which allows each group of programmers to write their code even if they do not know how the other group is writing its code. In a software programming language - interface is a service contract between a library that has the services and the code that calls the services to be implemented.For example, let’s say the programmer wants to call the I/O service - the Java program will obtain the I/O (input/output) services by creating objects and classes from the Java class library and calling the methods.

    Core Java Career Essentials Full Pdf Free Download

    These classes and methods are known as interfaces. Interfaces are reference types and contain constants, default methods, static methods, method signatures and nested types.Every class in Java has a superclass or a subclass - this is because in Java - each class can be derived from another class.

    In doing so - the derived class retains the properties, method, fields of the other superclass or the base class. This is known as inheritance which allows information to be stored in a hierarchical order.The concept of inheritance is simple yet it is very useful. Say you want to create a new class, but you know that there is an existing class library in Java that already has some properties, methods and code that you need.Get Started with understanding the concept of Inheritance and implemntation of interfaces in Java through thisException HandlingThe mechanism to handle runtime malfunctions is referred to as Exception Handling. The block of java code that handles the exception is known as Exception Handler. When there is an Exception, the flow of the program is disturbed or abruptly terminated. Exceptions occur due to various reasons- hardware failures, programmer error,a file that needs to be opened cannot be found, resource exhaustion etc.Throwable class is considered to be on the top in the classification of exceptions.There are three types of Exceptions which come under it -1.Checked Exception2.Unchecked Exception3.ErrorChecked Exception: These kind of exceptions can be predicted and resolved by the programmer.This is something that the programmer will be aware of.

    Javascript Depending on your purpose and type of data you can either choose to use Hive Hadoop component or Pig Hadoop Component based on the below differences: 1) Hive Hadoop Component is used mainly by data analysts whereas Pig Hadoop Component is generally used by Researchers and Programmers. 2) Hive Hadoop Component is used for completely structured Data whereas Pig Hadoop Component is used for semi structured data.

    3) Hive Hadoop Component has a declarative SQLish language (HiveQL) whereas Pig Hadoop Component has a procedural data flow language (Pig Latin) 4) Hive Hadoop Component is mainly used for creating reports whereas Pig Hadoop Component is mainly used for programming. 5) Hive Hadoop Component operates on the server side of any cluster whereas Pig Hadoop Component operates on the client side of any cluster. 6) Hive Hadoop Component is helpful for ETL whereas Pig Hadoop is a great ETL tool for big data because of its powerful transformation and processing capabilities.

    7) Hive can start an optional thrift based server that can send queries from any nook and corner directly to the Hive server which will execute them whereas this feature is not available with Pig. 8) Hive directly leverages SQL expertise and thus can be learnt easily whereas Pig is also SQL-like but varies to a great extent and thus it will take some time efforts to master Pig.

    9) Hive makes use of exact variation of the SQL DLL language by defining the tables beforehand and storing the schema details in any local database whereas in case of Pig there is no dedicated metadata database and the schemas or data types will be defined in the script itself. 10) The Hive Hadoop component has a provision for partitions so that you can process the subset of data by date or in an alphabetical order whereas Pig Hadoop component does not have any notion for partitions though might be one can achieve this through filters. 11) Pig supports Avro whereas Hive does not.


    Core Java Career Essentials Pdf Free Download

    12) Pig can be installed easily over Hive as it is completely based on shell interaction 13) Pig Hadoop Component renders users with sample data for each scenario and each step through its “Illustrate” function whereas this feature is not incorporated with the Hive Hadoop Component. 14) Hive has smart inbuilt features on accessing raw data but in case of Pig Latin Scripts we are not pretty sure that accessing raw data is as fast as with HiveQL. 15) You can join, order and sort data dynamically in an aggregated manner with Hive and Pig however Pig also provides you an additional COGROUP feature for performing outer joins. To conclude with after having understood the difference between Pig and Hive, to me both Hive Hadoop and Pig Hadoop Component will help you achieve the same goals, we can say that Pig is a script kiddy and Hive comes in, innate for all the natural database developers. When it comes to access choices, Hive is said to have more features over Pig.

    Core Java Career Essentials Pdf Free

    Both the Hive and Pig components are reportedly having near about the same number of committers in every project and likely in the near future we are going to see great advancements in both on the development fronSep 26 2016, 04:32 PM.

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