
  • Latest Google Talk Version
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 23:30
    1. Google Chrome Latest Version Download Pc
    Google talk download

    Google Chrome Latest Version Download Pc

    The days of are quickly coming to an end. As the company, the messaging service that Gmail users to talk to each other since it launched in 2005, will now be completely retired.Even while Google pushed as its consumer messaging service (before Allo, Duo, Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet) over the last few years, it still allowed die-hard Gtalk users (and there are plenty of them) to stick to their preferred chat app. Over the next few days, these users will get an “invite” to move to Hangouts. After June 26, that switch will be mandatory.The legacy Google Talk Android app, which hasn’t been available for years now, will also stop functioning soon. Those users are, of course, “encouraged” to install Hangouts.Hangouts itself, of course, is going through its own transition right now. While it’ll be around for a while, Google is positioning it as its business-centric service and splitting it up into Chat and Meet (though the legacy Hangouts service will still be around for a while).

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